Bedlam Beds Bristol can supply you with new mattress or divan base plastic bags. This week we have provided bags for a customer who is in need of storing a bed in a garage for a longer term. The customer is going to add sachets to the bag which will help with any dampness. I would also suggest some kind of mouse or rat bait or traps to reduce the risk of damage to the items that you wish to store. My experience is that mice are more attracted to used mattresses than new ones!
The Old Post Office, 26a Gloucester Road Rudgeway, Bristol, South Gloucestershire BS35 3RY
T: 01454 617277 M: 07887 853479
Trading Standards Buy with Confidence customer number 374101
Certificate of Registration under the Waste (England and Wales Regulations 2011, registration number CBDU67693.
Mon 10-1pm.
Tues - Fri 10am to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm.
Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays.