Please order your bed or mattress soon as the bedding industry is anticipating delays caused by shortages of foam.
It is very unusual to receive this kind of message from a major supplier, so I am taking it seriously.
Once stocks of foam are low, suppliers will have to start looking around for what they can buy and they cannot be so choosy about the quality that they acquire.
Some shops/suppliers may already be in this position, but my main suppliers assure me that they have built up stocks to last them through the next few months.
Please note the following important message that I received yesterday:
"I have been informed that all Foam suppliers/manufacturers are currently struggling with supply of Foam products, due to a demand for TDI (Toluene diisocyanate). TDI is used in the production of polyurethanes, primarily for flexible foam applications including bedding and furniture."
The Old Post Office, 26a Gloucester Road Rudgeway, Bristol, South Gloucestershire BS35 3RY
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